Tus Nua Coaching/Fresh Start Coaching - Bring your best self to light

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Making friends with failure - even if you don't want to

The idea of failure is an odd one. One person's spectacular success is another's failure. And yet, it's inevitable. I don't know about you but when I look back over my life I've got quite a few failures I could catalogue: failed diets, credit card debt, failed friendships, failed business endeavours, failed romantic relationships, failed jobs.
I could tell you about how they have all led to the spectacular success I enjoy now (isn't that how tales of failure usually end up? "Yes, I lived in a hole in the road but now I live in a 14 bedroom mansion." blah blah blah).
But I could also take the novelist's stance and look at my life through the eyes of someone else and what's visible then? Work I enjoy and love (mostly), a happy marriage, nearly debt-free, a fat body, strong spiritual life, good friends and a lot of joy.
I did a major declutter over Christmas and while doing that I came across a journal with a lot of entries of what I wanted to happen - including mundane stuff like getting the bathroom tiled etc - and what astonished me was how much of it had come to pass. What was humbling (and if I'm honest - a bit confusing) was that the areas where I had made little or no progress e.g. losing weight were ones I spent a lot of time thinking about...so it was almost as if the ones that I had given weight to (sorry!) didn't happen. But the ones that I had just written down..just seemed to occur - maybe not in an instant time frame..but they happened.
I reflected on this and what occurred to me was that it was the fear of failure piece that really got me. So one of the ideas I am experimenting with this year is the idea of moving my focus onto a cheerful acceptance that I may very well fail anyway..so it's worth trying a few things..and to work on getting the emotional significance off it for me.

In Nature, failure is the main reality. How many seeds germinate and grow into full blown plants? How many animals get to raise all their young all the time? Are the ones who get eaten by birds or animals failures?
The reality is that failure is a reality for all of us. My question to you today is..if you have an area of your life that you want to change but you are afraid of failing...what would it look like if you decided to give it your best shot but accepted that maybe even this would not give you your desired result.
Imagine the lightness/creativity/fun that would emerge from this approach.

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